Browsing Europa Orientalis by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 103
Srednjovjekovna rapska slavenska i romanska imena nehagionimnog postank
(2016)U ovom radu obuhvaćena su osobna imena, zabilježena u rapskoj komuni u drugoj polovici 14. stoljeća, koja nisu hagionimnog postanka. Riječ je, dakle,o slavenskim i manjem broju romanskih imena iza kojih ne stoji kult ... -
La istoria della casta Susanna by Lucrezia Tornabuoni – a possible sourse of Zuzanna by Jan Kochanowski?
(2016)Already in 1957, Jerzy Ziomek postulated the need for profound, multilingual comparative analysis of Zuzanna, a biblical epyllion by Jan Kochanowski. Nevertheless, in the last 60 years scholars have paid very little ... -
The influence of Italian and Friulian on the clausal constructions of the ter/torre valley dialect of Slovenian
(2016)Tersko narečje slovenščine se govori ob reki Ter ter njenih pritokih v Furlaniji Julijski krajini. Območje, na katerem se rabi, je zemljepisno obsežno, toda število govorcev terskega narečja je majhno in se še zmanjšuje. ... -
(2016) -
Alcuni aspetti di prassi e politiche linguistiche (implicite) nella comunità slovena in Italia
(2016)A community of speakers can develop different strategies in language planning. In the case of the Slovene community (or Slovene national minority) in Italy, we can generally detect two different attitudes toward language. ... -
Un ricordo personale (e non solo)
(2016) -
Viacheslav Ivanov’s final work: “Freedom and the tragic life” as an authorized translation
(2016)В англоязычном мире Вяч. Иванов наиболее известен как автор книги о Досто- евском, изданной впервые в Лондоне в 1952 г. До сих пор это издание не привлекало внимания исследователей творчества и мысли Вяч. Иванова, поскольку ... -
Classical Sources for Anton Chekhov’s “Человек в футляре”
(2016)The bizarre behavior of Chekhov’s teacher Belikov, whose bedroom was as small as a ящик, appears to have been modelled on Plutarch’s Moralia (Book X, “To an Uneducated Ruler”), where Clearchus, tyrant of Herakleia (4th ... -
Letteratura e psicoanalisi in Russia. Nikolaj Osipov e le “Memorie di un folle” di Tolstoj
(2016)На заре двадцатого века психоаналитический дискурс проник в Россию и через художественные произведения стал распространяться во всех интеллигентских кругах гораздо активнее, чем это происходило во многих европейских ... -
La missione di Vjačeslav Ivanov
(2016) -
Футуризм и фонология
(2016)The Russian avang-garde movement of the 1910s was inspired by far-reaching ideas concerning the relation between the sound and meaning in language. An important factor in the development of those ideas was a polemical ... -
Tradurre Vjačeslav Ivanov nella contemporaneità. Questioni linguistiche e considerazioni ermeneutiche
(2016)В статье приводятся сведения из истории итальянских переводов Вяч. Иванова и ставится вопрос о трудностях его современных поэтических переводов. Один из острых вопросов в художественном переводе ивановских произведений ... -
Le traduzioni serbe di "Rvf 61": tre poeti-traduttori a confronto
(2016)U radu se analiziraju tri srpska prevoda 61. pesme Petrarkinog Kanconijera (Rvf 61), odnosno čuvenog soneta Benedetto sia ’l giorno, e ’l mese, et l’anno. Pesnici koji su preveli navedenu pesmu pripadaju različitim epohama ... -
К вопросу о западной границе волжско-финской гидронимии
(2016)This article is an attempt to establish the Western border of the Volga-Finnic migration on the basis of hydronymical data. V. N. Toporov and O. N. Trubachev claim that there are several Volgaic river names in the Upper ... -
Pictura poema silens: мстислав добужинский на “башне” вяч. иванова статья первая: художественные контексты
(2016)The article is devoted to Mstislav Dobuzhinsky activities in the field of political satire magazines during the first Russian Revolution of 1905 and his connections with Vyacheslav Ivanov “Tower” cultural projects. Also ... -
К вопросу о дантовских влияниях в ранней поэзии Вяч. Иванова (1904-1919): поэтика прозрачности и отражения
(2016)Nel presente articolo vengono analizzate le poesie della prima fase artistica di Vjačeslav Ivanov (1904 – 1919), in particolare il ciclo Regno della Trasparenza e l’Epilogo alla melopea Čelovek, messi a confronto con alcuni ... -
The classical apothegm and its old polish application
(2016)Artykuł poświęcony jest apoftegmatowi jako gatunkowi literackiemu. Starano się w nim objaśnić etymologię pojęcia oraz zebrać i uporządkować konstytutywne dla niego cechy, odwołując się do tradycji greckiej, rzymskiej i ... -
Обмененный взгляд: к истории творческих отношений Вячеслава Иванова и Владимира Эрна
(2016)The article of Oleg V. Marchenko is devoted to the history of creative relationships between Vyacheslav Ivanov and his close friend, the Russian philosopher Vladimir Ern (1882-1917). Particular attention is drawn to the ... -
Архаика Достоевского у Вяч. Иванова и его последователей
(2016)Vyacheslav Ivanov began to reveal the archaic depths in Dostoevsky's novels from his early youth. His interpretations were in the mainstream of Schelling's doctrine of archaic mythopoiesia as the creating of the people’s ... -
Соотношение религии и культуры в мысли Вячеслава Иванова
(2016)The main focus of interest in the paper is the problem of interdependence between religion and culture as reflected in the works by Viacheslav Ivanov. The Russian poet-thinker is convinced that there is a close connection ...